
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The first week

Well, the first week in our new addition has come and gone. Overall, it's been very enjoyable settling in. The boys have had some ups and downs getting used to their bunk beds. Mostly Devin, who before now was sleeping in a crib. So he's wandered around a couple nights after waking up, and needed a little more Mommy and Daddy time at bedtime and early in the morning. But that's to be expected, and overall he's been sleeping pretty well.

Reid threw us a little curveball when one night he declared he didn't want to sleep in his top bunk and wanted to sleep with Devin in the bottom bunk. We kind of just rolled with that and let him; and before long there was enough "Devin's bothering me!"/"You bothering ME!" that Reid decided maybe he did want that top bunk after all.

Jill has been painting the former bed/future family room, and it's looking good. She's also painting the boy's little bookshelf so it matches the red wall. She's been busy. I've been busy too, checking out the reading seat in the bedroom by the front windows, making sure it's comfortable. Needs a little more breaking in, I think.

I have done a couple little things, put the knobs on the cabinet in the bathroom, installed a CO detector in the boys room. When we're this close to being done, I actually have the temptation to ask Chris if there's something I can do. I've managed to resist the temptation so far. Don't want to get too crazy.

Chris is working mostly on the back porch/mudroom now, and I would think it won't be long to get that done. Now we're mostly stressing out over things like furnishings and such. It's a good problem to have.

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